Monday, January 26, 2015

Paying Attention to My Health

I’ve always enjoyed going for long walks along our country lane. A couple of years ago, however, a family moved in to an empty trailer down the way. One of their dogs was small, but vicious. I’m not talking growl and yap a little. This bad-tempered creature charged everything and anything that moved – cars, horses, goats, cats, other dogs, and people. 

I've always enjoyed walking in the rain!

The snapping and yapping was loud and threatening. He nipped at several people and terrorized other animals on the small farms and ranches around him. He was a ringleader of weak-willed dogs that followed his bad lead. He’d sneak back home after showing them how to create havoc by dumping over trash cans and chasing cats up trees. The other dogs got in trouble while he went free.
His human mom tried to keep him in the yard, but he knew every possible way of digging holes or tearing up fences so he could roam free.  To my dismay, I could no longer take my one and 1/2 mile walk to the main road and back. I shortened my walk to a striding pace to the end of the driveway and back several times a day. It just wasn’t as much fun!

There's always so much to see.

It looks like they’ve moved! There’s been no sign of the dog or the residents for a couple of weeks. I keep watching for the dog when I drive by. My hope is that they got the stick house (a building made of real wood) they were looking for. 

Walking is part of the way I watch my health and weight (which tends to creep up on me when I slack off). I’m looking forward to stopping by to watch the antics of the baby goats down the street and talk to the llama that watches over them. Best of all, I’m looking forward to fitting into a new pair of jeans I recently bought that’s just a little too snug. 

How do you handle pesky pets from other families? What do you do for exercise?


  1. I have that pesky, vicious, little dog, but we keep him away from other people. He would literally attack them if we didn't!

  2. I'm a little jealous that you have so much to look forward to (minus the pesky dog) during your walks. I have a small park nearby that I like to walk during the summer. Carry a big stick to avoid pests?

  3. I handled my neighbor's pesky pets by putting up a fence so MY pets wouldn't eat their pets. =D

  4. It's awful that you had to give up your morning walk because of a dog! I'm so glad you're going to be able to start again, though. I haven't had any run ins with neighborhood pets, thankfully - I'm lucky.

  5. I live in the city limits, so pesky dogs like that are illegal. If it was bad enough, I'd call someone. Or I'd have words with the pet's owners. I don't tolerate poorly behaved animals.

  6. This is the reason I don't like dogs haha.. bad experiences :P

  7. I wish that there was something nice to look forward to or walk toward. I live off a main thorough-fare road so there is nothing to look at but passing cars.

  8. There used to be a dog in our neighborhood who would walk over into my yard just to bite me, not to mention when I walked by its yard! What is it about small dogs that make them so much crankier?

  9. I live in a rural area and we often have dogs that randomly run in our yard. I wo'n't lie, it does make me nervous, especially since I have kids.

  10. I know what you mean about pesky dogs. I couldn't take all the big ones that live around me. So I invested in a treadmill and still get my walks. I turn on yoga on demand and walk along the beach every day. All the dogs and the cold weather here kept me in way too many times, so I had to find an alternative. I'm glad you'll be enjoying your long walks again soon too!

  11. I know this is slightly off topic, but I am right there with you. Taking walks in the rain, and being around rain in general is one of my favorite things in the entire world.

  12. Now you'll get to see baby goats as you walk? I'm so jealous. On my walks I see nothing but fields.

  13. Glad you're exercising! I definitely would love some scenery when I exercise

  14. I dont know I've ever dealt with pesky animals besides annoying neighbourhood cats always trying to get in.... Then I just shoo them away!

  15. I dont know I've ever dealt with pesky animals besides annoying neighbourhood cats always trying to get in.... Then I just shoo them away!

  16. We are lucky in our neighborhood. There are no pesky neighborhood pests. I like to take my dogs for walks around our neighborhood.

  17. I am not currently on any exercise program. And luckily we don't have any pesky pets with family, friends, or neighbors.

  18. For exercise I like to walk and pick my daughter up from school. Her school is about a did mile and a half from our home. I also like to dance and so work out dvd's.

  19. I do not like little dogs they always seem to be nippy and yappy.I always take my two big dogs with me and I never seem to have any problems.

  20. Nevermind the dog, I love that view!!! The dog would be annoying though.

  21. My son got scratched on the back by his grandma's dog (who only wanted to play, but the scratch was really bad...she has a huge dog). Now he's terrified of even the smallest of dogs. If one charged him like you're noting here, he'd climb my head like a monkey! lol

  22. Carrying a big stick!!!!!! My husband has to when he goes on his walks. My neighbors dog will bite him ...sad

  23. I love walking and it was my source of weight loss many years ago. I moved into a rural area, but oddly enough my house faces the highway that connects all the small surrounding towns. It's loud and full of traffic. It's not what one imagines when they think of country living. I don't go for walks because it's just not really safe to walk down that road and I hate getting in the car to drive just to take a walk. So, I count down the days until I can move.

  24. Glad that you can start your morning walk again. It is so important to focus on health....especially as we get older. I am all for good health these days too

  25. I love going for a walk as well and have even faced the pesky dog issue. How I handled it was take a deep breath and kept on my way.

  26. I like to walk - but I totally understand the dog issue. With a new puppy I think I am going to buy some spray in case a bigger dog goes after the puppy

  27. Gorgeous view-- I need to walk more, and you are motivating me!

  28. Walking is such a simple way to have a huge impact on your health and wellness. Congrats for sticking with it!

  29. That is awful to have a dog like that around. Most people laugh when we tell them Our dog will kill ya... lick you to death maybe,

  30. Those mean dogs really ruin the outdoors for people. I have to take a stick with me when I go walking/running at my parents house for this reason.
