Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Happy Children Generate Smiles

It was a busy day filled with dashing from place to place in an attempt to complete tasks. A happy boy about 6 or 7 held the door open for me as I walked into a local business. He had a big smile on his face and tightly held a takeout box of leftovers from the restaurant inside the building. I thanked him and asked if he’d enjoyed the meal. His eyes lit up as he described his own breakfast and the meal his dad and grandpa got, as well.

What a wonderful way to start the day! The smile inspired by the happy, delighted child stayed with me all day. That, in turn, caused the people I met to smile back, generating smiles from even more people. A lot of frowns were turned upside down before the day was over. What an encouraging way to move along, enjoy the afternoon, and continue smiling the short drive home. 

Verrazano Bridge taken by Bob Jagendorf, widimedia commons
My grin grew even larger when I found this fantastic picture of the Verrazano Bridge in New York State. I live in a rural part of the desert in Northern Nevada!  It’s good to be away from the hours of traffic in large cities like L.A., San Francisco, Las Vegas, and Brooklyn. The glamour and glitz of inspired architecture, however, continues to inspire me.
What’s brightened your life lately? Could it have been a smile?


  1. Awww, what a little sweet boy to hold the door for you like that. That would have made me smile widely, too!

  2. I live on Staten Island and I can tell you that your pic of our bridge was such a wonderful reminder for me to be more cognizant of the beauty that is all around me. Thank you so much for this post!

  3. What a little gentleman! You know, even down here in the south, doing things like holding the door are becoming less and less commonplace.

  4. What a sweet thing for him to do. It's so great when kids do something that help make your day a little better.

  5. What a sweet little boy. I love moments like that when I cross paths with someone who makes my whole day better.

  6. My grandkids called me today and that put a smile on my face. It's so awesome when you have something little that can brighten an entire day!

  7. I love when little things just brighten my day! Lately seeing the athlete's reactions to winning Olympic medals have really made me smile.

  8. Aww, how sweet! That would have made me smile too. I love that beautiful bridge silhouette!

  9. Sometimes it's the most simple gestures that can really turn a day to a really great one! How sweet of this boy to open the door for you!

  10. A smile can make a huge difference in someone's day and you just proved that. I normally smile at people who walk by and those who greet me. It's something that's contagious and it lightens up the mood!

  11. I love to watch my son and his smiles really make a huge difference. Each day, I feel that I am making a right thing as I see him smiling.

  12. This is so true. My son is my happiness whenever he smiles,my pains and stressed just got easily removed!

  13. Thanks for sharing the contagious smile from a little boy. I get this from babies all the time like if I hug and kiss a baby I automatically feel better and feel the good energy.

  14. This is incredibly sweet. I adore this heartfelt story.

  15. The enthusiasm from little kids over most everything is just awesome. :) Glad you got the good morning vibe from the stranger. :)

  16. THe enthusiasm and just happiness of life children have always put a smile on my face. Smiling really is contagious!


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