Wednesday, January 20, 2016

An Abundance of Work

Photo from Post0200 wikimedia commons

Staying ahead of tasks can be compared to chasing the rainbow - We get close, but hardly ever get to hold the lovely colors in the palm of our hand.

Isn’t it amazing how much work there is today, tomorrow, and endless days ahead? It’s a good thing! We condition ourselves to be creative and effective a certain number of hours a day. If for some reason we lack designated things to do, we start on another task. The next day brings the usual barrage of chores. Suddenly, we’re behind because there’s no time to work the newer one.

The lesson that’s learned is that it is often better to determine what should be completed on a daily basis and focus on that target goal. Lately I’ve kept a frantic pace trying to complete things that are close to done, only to work myself into the ground. The truth is the work will still be at my desk when I sit down the next day, and something else will take its place before the day is over.

Three of the top methods I’ve discovered for managing work are focus, perspective, and strategy. It’s much easier to achieve my goals if I know:

  • ·         What I’m trying to do.
  • ·         How I intend to achieve it.
  • ·         Completing a project before deciding to revamp it gets more done.

My mom used to say “It’ll still be here tomorrow.” As usual, she was right.

What techniques do you use to make the days less crazy?


  1. I'm a big list maker. I set out my list of priorities for the day, week, month or year and it really helps me figure out how to succeed!

  2. It's definitely easier to achieve your goals if you make them clear and set out a path to get to them. I have been focusing on reasonable, achievable goals this year.

  3. I try to do time sensitive things as soon as possible. But things that can be shuffled around, I'll put off if the day gets too crazy.

  4. I think the key to keeping everything in balance is to do what you know you NEED to do and get it out of the way. Then you can shuffle everything else around. It also helps to have a plan of attack.

  5. The less I plan, the easier it is for me to be overwhelmed. Having a clear goal definitely keeps me focused and efficient.

  6. I make lists. And then I make more lists. I would be lost without my lists.

  7. Ever since I was in high school I am a big list maker. I keep a list on my phone and in my planner of things that I need to get done each day, week, and month.

  8. Your first remark could not be more true. I've stopped using phrases like 'spare time' and 'free time'......there is no such thing! I think the only thing we can do is evaluate each day if we are spending our time as we want and need to. You never get a day back and we'll never get those To Do lists done so we need to make decisions about how we use the time we have wisely.

  9. I keep a bit of a routine to help my day go smoothly. I like to clean one room a day so i do not get overwhelmed.

  10. I feel like a chicken with my head off most days, But on those days I can think i like to put my game face on and attack the big things first. Thank you for sharing.

  11. I have goals this year. I have to get the foundation in place before I can work towards them like I'd like to though.

  12. I'm a huge list maker as well. Unfortunately I don't get to cross much off the lists these days. Great suggestions

  13. I need a plan. I'm deadline driven, so having dates and steps to accomplish along the way are good for me.

  14. My husband still uses calendar log books to write down lists and tends to carry them over as needed/till they are finished. We try to use the line from the movie "Finding Nemo" ...."just keep swimming, just keep swimming!"

  15. Breath....taking it slower makes for a much better day. So often I tried to fit 2 days worth of work into one. Did not work!

  16. I think the person who nails work/life balance will be a rich person indeed! :-)

    Tracy @ Ascending Butterfly
