Friday, September 5, 2014

Freedom to Exercise in the Great Outdoors

 The picture above is very similar to the terrain by my rural home in Fernley, NV.

The past 18 months have been a challenge. I’m aggressively searching for and finding ways to make more money to cover the bills while trimming expenses that are truly frivolous and unnecessary. The result is too much time at the computer from sunup to sundown. By the time I have a few minutes to walk outside, it’s dark and I’m worn out.

The good news is my hard work is paying off and I’ve managed to take care of some of my outstanding debts. I am getting much better at keeping my calendars up to date (I like having more than one to keep me on track). Staying motivated to follow my schedule is easier every day. Today, I gifted myself with the freedom to exercise in the great outdoors.

The first thing I noticed after a mile walk is how happy I felt to be outside in the fresh air with absolutely no pressure to hurry. The next thing I noticed is that I need to get back into what I like to think of as my cross country speed walking routine.

There is enough acreage on my property to provide a variety of terrain. I really enjoy walking up the hard-packed dirt driveway to the narrow, paved country lane and striding down the slight incline to the main road that leads to town. From that point, I have several choices for travel, complete with hills and straight roads.

It was a delight to stop and look at the cute baby goats and the llama when I reached the half-mile mark today.  I intend to build on the distance each day and the joy I feel from this September walk.  

How do you break back in to an exercise pattern? What is your favorite kind of exercise?


  1. I like the run outside. The treadmill is just DEADLY for me and it doesn't keep my attention.

  2. I like group classes at the gym. It helps me to be held accountable to other people.

  3. I always have a hard time getting back into an exercise program. It always helps me to have an exercise buddy. I like walking!

  4. I love to run - and when I can run with friends, I am more likely to do it. I have access to a fitness center at work, so I often exercise during my lunch hour.

  5. I try to do all my exercising out doors. Fresh air is good, and vitamin D is great, too!

  6. I wish I could do my cardio outside, but with my allergies and asthma, it's not in the cards. That's a bummer, because I love being outdoors.

  7. I wish I could run outdoors, but I'm stuck with my treadmill because of neve damage abs a fusion. We just drove through your hometown and it really does look like that.

  8. I too like to walk - it is amazing how much better I feel when I get a chance to walk and unwind,

  9. I love getting outdoors to exercise. Unfortunately I live in a swamp and the mosquitoes attack in droves. I love being outdoors, but hate wearing bug spray. Exercising outside is work the risk though- I always feel SO much better.

  10. I have an elliptical in my basement that I to exercise on. And I love swimming.

  11. I prefer many of my workouts only if it wasn't so hot!

  12. I'm trying to break back in now, I like weight training so I do that every other day and slowly increase my cardio

  13. I love doing workout videos in my own home. That's where I am most comfortable.

  14. I enjoy weight lifting the most. I have always hated cardio!

  15. I always do a variety of workouts to keep it fresh. I make it a regular part of my day so it's not something I fit in if I have time. Exercising in the morning is the best way for me to start my day.

  16. Good for you for making some progress! And yes, there's nothing like getting outdoors and exercising to lift the mood.

  17. hills are rough on my legs. I do enjoy being outside instead of inside on a treadmill though

  18. I usually have to sign up for classes to keep me motivated. I currently take Zumba and Hip Hop fitness classes at our local gym. Sounds like you get a bonus with all the beautiful scenery you get to see on your workouts!

  19. I walk my dog 2 miles every morning and I really enjoy the time to clear my head and enjoy time outdoors. I'm dreading the winter weather coming which will stop my walks!

  20. So nice to have places to walk on your own property!

    I like to dance as exercise.

  21. i have a friend who's committed to help me stay on track with exercise. she's gone with me daily since the kids went back to school and we go right when the kids get on the bus. weekends i've been doing 1/2 days which is fine- and one day this week she couldn't join me. i actually was doing couch 2 5k so when i was walking, i did some social media work on my walk. THAT is multitasking, but worked out ok. i do so much better outdoors and with company!!

  22. I like to hike outdoors, but living in the city, it takes me a really long time to get to someplace to do it. Longer than my actual hike. I need to make it a priority to do it more, I like you, feel really happy after I'm through.

  23. It is way more fun to exercise outside for sure. I know with fall coming it will be easier for me in Florida.

  24. I feel the same way. It can be so hard to find time to get out and get some fresh air when we're glued to all the things happening inside our home, but when we do it's so worth it.

  25. I love taking walks and hiking! However, for exercise I usually do aerobics and lifting weights inside.

  26. Hooray for you with making progress on the financial front. I just broke into my fitness routine again. I am a big fan of pilates. I'll take exercise how ever I can get it though.

  27. Wow, I would love to have that view when I go for a hike! We don't have that kind of beautiful terrain in Florida

  28. Walking has always been a passion of mine. I hope to someday do the John Muir or Appalachian trails.

  29. I think that I seriously need to start going on walks myself. I work from home and that can leave little time for exercise. Thanks for sharing this post. :)
