Monday, February 1, 2016

Why I Like Taking Pictures

I started taking pictures before I was old enough to start school. It's just a lot of fun. Even better, it's proof that something actually happened or that you were in a particular spot. I am still amazed at how many times I'm asked to take a picture of strangers at a special event or in front of a scenic view, just so everyone in the group is visible when friends look at the visual memories.

 Just a week ago it looked like a good time to clean up around the yard and plan the garden spots. On Saturday we awoke half of foot of this:

The snow continued all day yesterday and stopped near midnight. A walk down the driveway yesterday afternoon provided some wonderful scenery of a foot or more of soft snow and a quiet world.

 The view down the lane seemed to be a sea of white fluff for miles and miles.

Rabbits and quail tucked themselves gently into their nests under bushes and trees that provide shelter.

A big reason I enjoy taking pictures is the opportunity to get a shot like this. It reminds me of the Courier & Ives plate that my Grandma treasured. The wintry scene details snow clinging to branches and twigs, defying gravity while defining the white and gray colors of the pasture.

What are some of the reasons you enjoy taking pictures?



  1. That is a really nice shot. Actually they all are :)

  2. I think that is great you like taking pictures.
    I also agree that they are a great way to capture the memories and file events away in a nice chronological order.

  3. Oh my gosh, look at all that snow! Photos like these make me miss living up north.

  4. I am in Southern Nevada and currently freezing my tail off with temperatures in the 40s. I am not sure how everyone with a real winter survives!

  5. I love the creative aspect of capturing things in photos. Like you I've taken photos for a long time with some breaks in there too. Most recently I take photos of food almost daily which I love too (for my blog). It's just a cool medium.

  6. I think our son will be a great photographer. He's only 5, but he's far-sighted.

  7. I love taking photos even before social media existed. I was my family's photographer at a young age I got my first video camera at 12 and digital cameras followed later!

  8. I love taking photos because it reminds me of moments. My memory is bad, so photos take me back to that place.

  9. I have been learning how to use my new camera. It is so fun to go for a walk and take pictures. I like to look for things in the photos i did not see when i was taking them.

  10. I enjoy taking pictures also. I like being able to take a break from the hustle and bustle.

  11. That scene does look like those plates! I forgot all about them. :)

  12. I love taking pictures too. I am not that great at it but I love learning and discovering new things.
